
Wednesday, June 26

Skip the salad, let's go for dessert!

Lately, I have been inspired to do lots of baking.  Eventually I would like to post some pictures of what I have made.  My favorite dessert has been the nutella tart.  My Italian friend Patrizia and I made one together, and since then I have made at least four or five. I got a mediocre picture of one, but would rather post a prettier photo in the future.  I just have to wait for an occasion to make another. Actually, I will post a photo of one I made, but it got a little dark...working on the whole perfectionism thing I mentioned in another post. So, here it is :)

The down side of when I bake is I usually end up eating way too much if I have leftovers, so I made a deal with myself that I have to lose 5 pounds before making another dessert...or not :)I have gotten enough recipes from my Italian friends to write a cookbook, and can't wait to try some of them out.  The recipes include yogurt cake, Italian carrot cake, which is not nearly as sweet as the American version, a gorgeous apple cake, and a fruit tart with a creamy custard. I also sampled a Chiffon Cake with Balsamic Berry Sauce at Metropolitan Market which was divine!  The interesting thing was they used duck eggs, and it resulted in a very moist, rich texture. I can't wait to make that one. 
Baking with friends is one of my favorite things to do, besides eating with friends.  I have a tradition at Christmas time of baking with my friend, Carrera.  She works magic in the kitchen while I relax and listen to country music with a Christmas twang.  Or is it Christmas music with a country twang...either way, it's great fun.

Well, I am gaining another five pounds by sitting here thinking about desserts, so I will work in some other photos soon!  Buon appetito, and good night

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Italy trip

I have been going through my pictures, and have enjoyed looking at this album of Italy. I was able to go over last year to attend a conference. This was the first time I have been back in twenty years. The pictures are made up mostly of places we lived as a family. My brother and I were able to go together, and we were graciously hosted by some friends of ours from language school in Perugia. I feel such a sense of nostalgia when I look at these pictures. I miss Italy so much. It was strange to go back as a tourist knowing I would be returning to the US after such a short time. Tonight I made cookies with Nutella in them, and I remembered how much I enjoyed the simple pleasures. Fortunately, you can find it here! Saturday, we are going up to my brother's house to celebrate a late Thanksgiving, only we will be making homemade tortellini instead of turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!