
Friday, October 6

Business Boutique

I have always enjoyed cooking and baking. My free time usually consists of looking for new recipes
to try out, and doing my best to create delicious meals that are also healthy. 

For the last six years, I have enjoyed staying home with my son, Justin, but I felt like this year, it was time for a change, since he had just started school.

Back in April, my husband and I started doing Financial Peace University, which is an excellent course on managing money, and getting out of debt by Dave Ramsey. One day while I was on his website, I came across a beautiful book called Business Boutique, by Christy Wright. Basically, this is a book for women about doing what you love for a living, and not just a hobby. It walks you through the steps to starting your own business.

As I read this book, my wheels started turning. I show my love for people through feeding them. Inviting people into my home, and preparing  home cooked meals gives me great pleasure. I spent two years in Italy as a teenager, and was greatly impacted by the way meals were not just about eating quickly to fill the void, rather food was artfully prepared, paired with multiple courses, and enjoyed for an entire afternoon or evening. Food brought everyone together. I love recreating that experience when I have friends over.

In a busy world, these experiences can't happen everyday, However, I would love to make eating tasty meals for people in their homes more attainable. Today it is difficult to eat healthy, well balanced food when you don't have time to do everything that cooking entails. For that reason, people tend to eat out more, which not only causes them to spend money, but they don't always make the best choices  at restaurants.

I started thinking about ways I could make life easier for people by preparing their weekly menus, grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning up so that people who truly don't enjoy doing these things, or don't have time for all of it can do what they were meant to do. I got a little giddy when I thought about it.

I am so thankful for this new season in my life, and if you are reading this, and there is something in you that wants to pursue a passion for what truly makes you come alive, I highly recommend this book!

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Italy trip

I have been going through my pictures, and have enjoyed looking at this album of Italy. I was able to go over last year to attend a conference. This was the first time I have been back in twenty years. The pictures are made up mostly of places we lived as a family. My brother and I were able to go together, and we were graciously hosted by some friends of ours from language school in Perugia. I feel such a sense of nostalgia when I look at these pictures. I miss Italy so much. It was strange to go back as a tourist knowing I would be returning to the US after such a short time. Tonight I made cookies with Nutella in them, and I remembered how much I enjoyed the simple pleasures. Fortunately, you can find it here! Saturday, we are going up to my brother's house to celebrate a late Thanksgiving, only we will be making homemade tortellini instead of turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!